
Friday 12 April 2019

touch typing

Hope you enjoy my worst video  

Thursday 11 April 2019

cool gifs

please click the lemon Image result for gif

 Image result for gif

Image result for gifImage result for gifImage result for gifImage result for gifImage result for gifImage result for gif

Fortnite part 1

Fortnite part 1
Image result for fortnite pickaxe Image result for fortnite skins
So excited to abort the battle bus why is my game not loading c'mon  i waiting finally the game has loaded ok let's drop to the new place that has the volcano hmm there's  a lot of chests. This is my first game ever of fortnite i'm just a noob. I got a golden scar that is like the worst gun in the game i guess i will just leave it OMG i got a grey pistol best gun ever um i'll open last but not least is a heavy sniper  legendary i can use this i am going to shoot somebody with the GREY pistol !!! i just got a headshot for 13 damage. I'll use the heavy sniper OHHH (game: HEAD SHOT)(game: double kill) i just got a kill with heavy sniper for  375 damage (Eliminated Xxbot56_”46) wait that was the best gun in the game a  golden scar i should go back and get it but i do not know where it is oh in the middle of the volcano i got it i'll drop the grey ar i actually know how to play. I'll go inside this box there is a door waiting just for me i'll go inside                                ( eliminated by I XDDD!”$^hacker) i got killed by a trap. Dammit i just got killed by a trap that’s be continued... in part 2 .
part two coming soon !!!

Wednesday 10 April 2019

about me

Welcome to my awesome blog.

My name is Brynn. I have 2 siblings a brother and Sister. Also I’m the oldest. My birthday is March the 24th the year I was born was in 2009. My fave sport is cricket and hockey and my favourite video game is Roblox. There are 5 people in my family their names are Ari my sister  my brother Torren me Brynn my mum Jacki my dad Richard. I am turning nine this year. I love beyblades and I have loved them for a long time. My favourite fruit/veges are tomatoes avocado lettuce. I am getting a plate soon. If you don't know what they are, they are things for your mouth. I can't wait till I get one. It's finally time to start talking about cricket. So first I will talk about the gear you need : pads bat elbow pad hip pad helmet box gloves. That's all you need cricket can be at least all day long until it gets dark . there are different colour balls White balls are used in many limited overs cricket matches, especially those involving floodlights (day/night games). This is because a red ball under yellow floodlights takes on a brownish colour which is very similar to the colour of the you play cricket? also what season do think cricket is in

Friday 5 April 2019


 its brynn and harry and today i will be talking about beyblades me and harry like beyblades a lot  how we first got in beyblades to by our old friend Fletcher he had valtreyek v2 and harry had rocktavor r2 and i had kerbeues k2 and we all started beyblades on the same year but different times brynn started it.i got kerbeues .this year in 2019 we got the evolution one that  are much better then 

Image result for kerbeus k2

Thursday 4 April 2019

PBL crazy kindness cards

Welcome to my wonderful blog about pbl

PBL - Term 1

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about kindness and the big question was: How can we build community through our actions?

First, we explored some collaborative activities and discussed how we could include kindness and build a sense of community through our actions at camp. Next, we were organised into groups where we had to unpack the above question. In our groups we considered how we could spread community and kindness through our entire school community. We decided that we would offer something that was free and would make others happy.

We created an action plan and we made kindness cards to hand out to people that would come past us. We would ask "Do you want one of our cards"? They would reply yes.


For our final product our group we made kindness cards for the teachers so they would have a better day.

How did our action build a sense of community in the school giving kindness cards out to make them feel better?.

I contributed by giving ideas for the kindness cards. it took a long time to come up with all the ideas 

I think the PBL might impact on others by making others happy with the kindness cards to the teachers.

What I learned about working with others was that you can work much faster with a group. Here is a Link to our cards

Thursday 6 December 2018

selling candles on market day

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about design and the big question was; How can we use a Steam approach to make a marketable product?

First we learned what STEAM stood for.
S for Science
T for Technology
E for Engineering
A for the Arts
and M for Maths
Then we were given challenges. The first to make a chair using newspaper, string and straws that was able to hold a figure made out of multi-link blocks.
Then; make a table that was able to balance M&Ms for the team. We were much better at the second challenge because …  everyone was helping and also it was book day

In Literacy we learned to write up science experiment did and to write a technology report using the design process of ask, imagine,

plan, create, improve and share.

Our next step was to form teams and ask ourselves the big question again.
How can we use a Steam approach to make a marketable product? Our aim was to create enough products or experiences and sell it to raise money for charity.

My team made this… candles and marshmallow man

Science Experiment

My highlight from this PBL was… our candles and  marshmallow men sold out really fast.  Miss Dungey  was our first customer

Next time I would … change our product because the kids would get the marshmallow men and the adults would like our candles and we needed to make more candles

what do you think I should change  next market day ?